Well, 2020 has certainly been an unusual year, with the world changing as we've known it for so long, and while there was an eeriness to roads, shopping centres and every day life, it looks like things are starting to head back to what they were, albeit a little differently. At Big Mouth Media Digital, we've been working in several different streams than we usually do - normally it's conferences, events and stage shows - that have been closed down and may take quite a long time to resume - especially with public sentiment. Instead we are now helping the education community by helping to repurpose Gowrie Victoria's early childhood educator's program to an online version.
Previously they've done face to face training, but have since had to turn their RTO teachings into bite sized video which they can they use in Prezi presentations and Zoom meetings with their students. It makes learning still interesting without losing the interest.
What we did was film on site at their locations around Melbourne utilising our best social distancing values - things like boom mikes instead of the usual lapel, situating our camera further back with longer zoom lenses, and wearing PPE.

We then post produce it using Adobe Premiere Pro CC's new Production function, which lets us share footage/graphics/music between multiple projects but keeping it one place, then sending the rough drafts via Frame.io with timecode, then finals via secure encrypted delivery with Digital Pigeon.
Our next venture is researching a live-streaming capability for different purposes - funerals (whose numbers are still capped for attendees), online learning, and stage/music shows that just can't accomodate large numbers, and may not be able to for quite a while.
We'll let you know more when it comes to hand !